Why invest in executive coaching?
So you want to level up your personal and corporate success, how exactly does one do that? When leaders and executives want to progress their careers beyond their current roles, they need the guidance of those who have gone before them. Leaders often want to stick it out alone, but you don’t have to make the tough decisions without support any longer. Investing in executive coaching will not only accelerate your career trajectory but enable you to be a better leader from the very first session.
Katie-Jeyne Romeyn is known as the ‘disruptor’ to her clients. Why the disruptor? Well, she is here to shake things up while helping professionals accelerate into their success. Sometimes change can be unsettling, but if you are planning to break through to the C-suite (or through a glass ceiling or two), you are going to need some significant changes. Because when you change, everything around you changes.
Read more: Limiting thoughts and beliefs that are holding back your career
What are the benefits of executive coaching?
Someone in your corner
Any human being can benefit from having someone in their corner to support and encourage them through life’s hurdles. Although an executive coach is more than just your cheerleader, their role is rooted in support. This means no more big decisions alone, no more limiting beliefs crushing your motivation to strive higher. An executive coach will know your strengths and what makes you tick. It’s their job to push you towards your goal (and beyond), be there to help you quash limiting beliefs and tackle new challenges as they present themselves. They are your personalised guru for all things leadership, management, networking and executive team.
Unbiased feedback
What to expect from an executive coach? As much as they are your support network, it is their job to challenge you. They know your skillset, limitations and goals; they will hold you accountable and ensure you aren’t getting in your own way. Their unbiased feedback mightn’t always be music to your ears, but their assessment is essential to your career growth. An executive coach identifies your blind spots and personal roadblocks limiting your growth. Personal growth can cause discomfort, but it is necessary for ambitious leaders. Plus, when a leader is growing, the whole team benefits as their leader transforms into their full potential.
Read more: Helpful tips for those wanting to become a CEO
Faster acceleration
Hire an executive coach to help you achieve your goals faster. Executive coaches are experts in goal setting, realising the dream and providing an action plan to get you there sooner. They act as a mirror to yourself and can often help you see yourself more clearly to identify your top strengths and most significant weaknesses. Then, you know what to throw yourself into and what you need to work on, wasting less time in your career acceleration. An executive coach arms you with the best people management skills for executive status with your very own leadership toolkit. Plus, having someone to bounce ideas off will make you a more effective decision maker, transforming your career trajectory.
Can you see this as your reality already? Why go it alone? Be the leader you want to be with the help of an executive coach in your corner. They not only have done it themselves, but they also work with CEOs and executives in the roles you want. Be guided by those who have gone before you with proven formulas to help you reach your highest career potential.
Katie-Jeyn has been helping clients climb the corporate ladder, smashing their limiting beliefs and guiding them beyond their initial goals. Her clients have seen salary increases between $20,000 to $460,000 through her Career Success Formula. You can view her client’s results here and reach out to us when you are ready to create results of your own.